Mar 24Liked by laura thompson

Laura spoiling us yet again! Seriously, anyone who is thinking of reading this, I can't recommend it enough. I'm so glad I dove into this particular rabbit hole. It's an intriguing story but Laura's book turns it into something beyond the normal whodunit; for starters, it is so well written, as Laura imbues the story with a sense of real empathy and a quest for the truth. It's also amazingly well researched and it literally takes you to 1970's London, the whole Clermont set, the 5 and 6 storied Belgravia streets, the out of time-ness of Lucan and his peers...plus you'll definitely look at the case from a different perspective to the usual (and conveniently Cluedo-ish) 'Lord Lucan, with the lead pipe, in the kitchen' standpoint. I've spun my head around countless times with this, and one thing is for sure; whatever did happen, it was absolutely not as per the official narrative from the police, press and Lady L herself. A 10 pipe problem this one.

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Mar 24Liked by laura thompson

I didn't know this book of yours. I'm off to find it. It's a fascinating story. I was in my late teens at the time and remember the brou-ha-ha very well.

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Fascinating. I'd never given any real thought to the possibility of Lady Lucan being the culprit, or even much thought to her at all. Definitely looking for a copy of the book!

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Listened to the podcast you have done on this superb so well told, totally fantastic

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Oh wow, I'm going to be tracking down another of your books now. I have never heard Lucan's case put so well before. I did watch the TV version where he was pushed off the boat in the Channel, but it seemed as unlikely as anything else I had read.

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