
Because it’s such a pleasure to write the things you really want to say, in the way that you choose, without having to worry about editors or word counts or that your words will be cut/changed into something you didn't quite intend. Or even that your punctuation will be changed (I have spent the equivalent of days of my life restoring my beloved semi-colons after copy-editors removed them).

Writing to my mind is all about rhythm, and on here you can set your own rhythm. Which is wonderful.

Part of which, incidentally, is the regularity of posting… Other work has intervened somewhat since I began this lovely venture but something will appear as often as possible! There is also now a decent-sized archive, much of it free.

I do hope you enjoy. And thank you so much for subscribing; it really is appreciated.

(Note the semi-colon.)

Laura x

Why pay

Because there will be more to read, should you wish to do so.

Paid content to date includes thoughts (quite a lot of them) on Agatha Christie’s ‘disappearance’, the sublime Mapp and Lucia, true crime in fiction and true crime, tout court.

To have people paying for one’s words is a great honour, so thank you.

Readers are EVERYTHING.

Laura x

Subscribe to Laura Thompson’s Substack

Writing on writers - Nancy, Agatha, various Elizabeths and more. And on other things, from classical ballet to classic murder trials. Whatever interests me, and I hope you also.


Biographer of the Mitford sisters, of Agatha Christie and of my grandmother, The Last Landlady Also books about Lord Lucan and the 1922 Thompson-Bywaters murder case. And more...